Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More news about dog house

DEAD END for startups

Wed, 21 May 2008 15:44:27 PDT
Last few days, have been quite busy for me w.r.t Travel & Work and hence, could not blog for a very long time . Last weekend, I was at an Unconference named IdeaCamp in Pune about which I would blog later]; where I met a friend of mine, who had an interesting Web 2.0 idea.He explained me about the concept and everything was fine until when he said "The big guys would definitely have a tough time and would face a big competition from me !!!!". This statement made things look so simple like

McCain's '97 Lobbyist Bill Would Cripple Current Campaign

Tue, 20 May 2008 12:14:10 PDT
Just twelve years ago, when McCain was politically recuperating from his involvement in the Keating Five scandal, the Senator introduced legislation that would, if implemented today, cripple to his current campaign.

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